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About Us
As a public service agency, the Mullins Housing Authority is committed to providing excellent service to all public housing applicants, residents, and the public. In order to provide superior service, the Mullins Housing Authority resolves to:
- Administer applicable federal and state laws and regulations to achieve high ratings in compliance measurement indicators while maintaining efficiency in program operation to ensure fair and consistent treatment of clients served.
- Provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing in good repair - in compliance with program uniform physical condition standards - for very low- and low-income families.
- Encourage self-sufficiency of participant families and assist in the expansion of family opportunities that address educational, socio-economic, recreational, and other human service needs.
- Promote fair housing and the opportunity for very low- and low-income families of all races, ethnicities, national origins, religions, ethnic backgrounds, and with all types of disabilities, to participate in the public housing program and its services.
- Create positive public awareness and expand the level of family and community support in accomplishing the PHA's mission.
- Attain and maintain a high level of standards and professionalism in the day-to-day management of all program components.
- Administer an efficient, high-performing agency through continuous improvement of the PHA's support systems and commitment to our employees and their development.